
  • 一支駐守沙漠的軍團,鎮日荒廢,唯一明確的職責,是看守一名監禁在地底鐘乳岩洞的先知。指揮官的女兒戰士莎樂美慾…
  • 18th century Austria. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one.…
  •   The definitive biography of the group's fall from grace after they made it t…
  • 蔚蓝晴空,日正当中,中年男子尼尔与家人在墨西哥的度假胜地,享受奢华的悠閒假期。白天在泳池边小酌,晚餐与乐手…
  • 本剧是BBC基于《A Very English Scandal》打造诗选类剧集,考虑到故事背景变化,续作重命名为《A Very B…
  • 鬼玩人第三季

    第三季反英雄男主Ash Williams(Bruce Campbell)发现自己原来有个女儿Brandy Barr(Arielle Car…
  • <p>  平凡不过的邻区街道上,一台再正常不过的四轮驱动房车,一个男人轻松地撬开门锁而入,大肆搜刮了车…
  • On the rainy night of October 2, 1968, eight characters waiting on a remote bus station for a bus heading …