
  • 米塔(帕丽莱蒂·曹帕拉 Parineeti Chopra 饰)出生于商业世家中,却是一个对IT行业充满了兴趣的假小子,个性自由…
  • Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his…
  • 18世纪,一对印度夫妇,妻子在丈夫的鼓励下,与当时妇女地位低下的社会偏见作斗争,努力学习和成长,成为印度第一…
  •   18世纪,一对印度夫妇,妻子在丈夫的鼓励下,与当时妇女地位低下的社会偏见作斗争,努力学习和成长,成为印度…
  • Many months after her disappearance, the mother of a missing daughter starts her own increasingly irration…
  • 赵炳斗(赵仁成饰)是一个三流社团的小头目,家中有两个弟妹,母亲身体不好,生活困顿;他在社团里也混得不如意,…
  • A modern thriller filled with intense sexual tension. Betrayal, jealousy, revenge and lies. A plot full of…
  • 两只经典卡通人物在这个充满乐趣的交叉与流行的动作冒险动画系列强尼追求的。所有年龄的球迷不想错过这惊心动魄的…