
  • 一群高中好友从各自的大学生活中抽身出来,乘坐房车前往一个音乐节来庆祝他们的重聚。但这个激动人心的周末计划很…
  • A group of friends trapped in a vintage villa only to find out it is the nest of the Indonesian demon Mak …
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  贝斯(艾米·舒默 饰)似乎过着令许多人羡慕的生活:她的成长让周遭…
  • Sarah Plummer is an FBI Agent whose family is taken hostage while she is on a flight to Washington, DC. &q…
  • A good-natured man has an unexpected deadly confrontation. Instincts kick in to clean up the mess caused i…
  • 一群好友趁著周末假期來到位於深山的豪宅狂歡,沒想到竟遭到一群食人血肉的變種巨虻攻擊,原本歡樂的假期瞬間成為…
  • 一名生殖医学医生喝醉酒,竟用前男友的精子为自己人工授精。这下她怀孕了却有理说不清,只好想办法把对方追回来。
  • Charlie discovers a scheme for the theft of government radar plans while investigating several murders.