
  • 西蒙(文森特·林顿 Vincent Lindon 饰)和弗兰克(吉尔·勒卢什 Gilles Lellouche 饰)是警局的同僚兼好友,…
  • 十八里铺的薛神医,多好的人啊!帮乞丐治病还不收钱。那天正准备给乞丐拔火罐呢,谁知刚把火给点上,雌雄双煞突然…
  • Disaster movies tend to inhabit the close-but-not-too-close realm of the ‘what if?’, but Quentin Reynaud’s…
  • Felix Grandet reigns supreme in his modest house in Saumur where his wife and daughter Eugenie lead a dist…
  • As the world prays for a breakthrough at the latest round of Middle-East peace talks, a film that shows th…
  • 法蒂玛(索里娅·泽鲁阿尔 Soria Zeroual 饰)是一位勇敢的单身母亲,带着两个女儿苏阿德(Kenza Noah A…
  • 孤儿威姆(Tygo Bussemakers 饰)渴望进入学堂,但遭到院长拒绝,威姆私自出逃,被污蔑盗窃,警察将其关押到看守…
  • 亚历克斯是一个优雅的9岁男孩,他的梦想是:有一天当选法国小姐。15年后,亚历克斯失去了父母和自信心,陷入了单…