
  • During the seed harvest season in Ban Rabue Village, Ngern is responsible for collecting and storing seeds…
  • 意大利导演费德里克.费里尼的中期经典作《八部半》是其成熟高峰期作品,此后开始走向糜烂而至腐败,偏于肉欲放纵…
  • GoodBye presents a heart-warming story about life, family and relationships.
  • 莫斯科令人惊奇的地下隧道网络,不仅仅是地铁,它延绵千里,环绕着整个城市。在这个城市,每天都会有成千上万的人…
  • Two women are on the run from the state police, with an abducted man on the back seat of their car.
  • 哈利·道尔顿博士(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)是美国地质勘探中心的一名火山学专家,这次他被派到但丁…
  • Director  Samuel Collardey  Screenwriter  Samuel Collardey    Catherine Pail…
  • 北海有暴雨洪水,有浩瀚潮汐,有高耸的沙丘和崎岖的海岸线,还是鸟类迁徙最重要的交通枢纽。一年四季中,这里的海…