
  • 斯帝芬.塞亚迪安是美国80年代著名的B级片电影大师,在美国与约翰.沃特斯和罗斯.梅耶尔并列齐名,可由于他的作品很…
  • 一名活泼男孩居住在安地斯山脉一座村庄,村裡的圣像失窃,梦想成为巫师的他,开始了取回圣像的勇敢任务。
  • Thomas Cromwell has gone down in history as one of the most corrupt and manipulative ruffians ever to hold…
  • 这部纪录片记录了 Diomedes Díaz 作为哥伦比亚最具标志性的歌手之一的崛起,以及他在被指控杀害一名粉丝后的垮台…
  • Hulu announced on Wednesday that the Letterkenny spinoff Shoresy has been renewed for a third season, ahea…
  •   Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian an…
  • The Ceddo try to preserve their traditional African culture against the onslaught of Islam, Christianity, …
  • 曾以《打尸噎》、《防腐搞作》引起热议的匈牙利名导乔治帕尔菲新作,改编自波兰科幻小说作家史坦尼斯劳莱姆的同名…