
  • 发现了多个巧合的约阿希姆声称自己的前世是波斯尼亚的一名士兵。他和朋友们带上了摄像机,踏上一次探寻之旅。一行…
  • Why has a kids TV show about an eccentric man with a box that can trAvel anywhere in time and space become…
  • An assassin takes on the identity of a writer to escape the law. He has two mysterious and sensuous women …
  • 本片是捷克新浪潮运动兴起时的一次集体亮相,这些崇尚个性的导演大多数毕业于布拉格电影学校,他们希望打破苏联电…
  • It's Halloween 1965 in Hollywood and is also the last day that a drive in which the hang out of some youth…
  •   When an overly ambitious student gets invited for a submarine journey by an …
  • 五个挑逗故事,带出五段令人血脉沸腾的爱欲情色。的士司机刚被拋弃满腔愁怨, 在陌生乘客怀内重获温暖;寂寞屋主…
  • 这是一个美国再普通不过的小镇。镇上居民露薇(多莉-帕顿Dolly Parton饰)开了一间美容沙龙,和五个顾客女子特别…