
  • 一个来自蒙特利尔的dj,跟踪他的女友来到洛杉矶,却在路上陷入了和几个搭车女的致命关系中...
  • 从 2008 年发行的“Day n Nite”到现在的录音,讲述了 Kid Cudi 的音乐生涯。朋友和制作人将他的故事与音乐会的镜…
  • Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his…
  • Paul does not know how to say no. He goes from job to job, from man to man, without knowing what tomorrow …
  • A 12-year-old boy turns to a charismatic loner for help after being beaten up at school, in director Miles…
  • In April 2013, chaos erupted in Boston near the finish line of one of the world's oldest and most prestigi…
  • 魔幻战争逐渐进入高潮阶段。霍比特人佛罗多(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)携带着魔戒,与伙伴山姆(西恩·奥斯…
  • 柏林墙倒塌后,一名前/间/谍/杀/手/获释,并对合谋背叛她的人展开疯狂报复。