
  • 该片改编自迈克尔·阿什顿的剧作《大主教与反基督者》,巴纳将与福里斯特·惠特克上演对手戏,导演罗兰·约菲。影…
  • Refuge is a suspense-thriller about a family struggling to survive in the wake of a great catastrophic eve…
  • After his father gets into a fight at a bowling alley, Darious begins to investigate the limitations of hi…
  • 俄国战争期间,一支红军游击队遭到德国军队伏击,被困山林。游击队员索特尼科夫(Boris Plotnikov 饰)和雷巴克…
  • 约翰尼是尼克先生连锁酒店的经理,因为经济危机他的酒店破产了,约翰尼也失去了工作。他和妻子住在克里特岛上,他…
  • 唐山武馆馆主庄三太在武林比武中胜出,获得武林至尊匾,此时,百胜道场钟鉴均(任世官 饰)登门挑战。因忠、庄二…
  • Reminiscent of the horror classic The Uninvited, Michael Madsen and Robert Davi lead an all-star cast in t…